Monday 4 January 2016

My Protein Replacement Journey

One thing I've been looking into is protein sources for the vegan diet, in addition to milk replacement products. I drink a lot of milk normally in tea, coffee and shakes so for me a quality milk replacement product is important. I also wanted a quality protein, that was a whpole protein to fit into my diet for my sports performance and recovery. Usually for this I use whey powder protein shakes, however whey is a derivative of milk proteins so for the vegan challenge is off limits.

Whilst looking for vegan protein shakes I found many however few provided complete amino acid chains, therefore I would've had to drink a combination of 2-3 different shakes in order to obtain my full amino acid chains for muscle growth and repair. The shake I found that is a complete plant protein powder is SCI-MX Nutrition PRO V-GAIN PROTIEN powder which contains 100% complete proteins by combining a blend of rice, soy and pea proteins. A taste test is yet to come when it arrives.

As for my milk substitute for a decent tasting coffee my immediate response was to go for soy products - so I went for a product I know well, Alpro. Soy milk is a substitute using soy beans and when fortified with calcium and vitamin D can be used similarly to cow's milk within the diet, in coffee, cereal and otherwise milk based drinks. I had always assumed soy was healthy as judging by the nutritional information chart on the back of the product it seems like a healthy dairy free alternative, but after doing some reading into the process of making soy and soy products it seems I was mistaken.

This I will write about in further details once I have done some more reading, however I conclude from my reading so far that the most likely outcome is that I will use soy milk products, and soy products in general for the sake of my vegan challenge but once I revert back to dairy I will be avoiding most soy products. Unless my reading provides further evidence in the favour of soy production and products.

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