Monday 4 January 2016

The Days Are Inching Closer

The challenge is becoming more and more real as the day I start my experiment ease closer. I have mixed feelings about it, but mainly one of excitment of all the news foods I'm going to try, the new recipes I'm going to be exploring and the challenges I'll be facing along the way.

I did my first 100% vegan shop in Sainsburys and a specialist shop today. I bought a number of new food items such as:

 - Organica, Golden Coconut Delight
 - Roo'Bar in Inca Berry flavour
 - nakd fruit salad, fruit and nut nibbles
 - Frutina real fruit snack bars for sugar energy when I'm running

The thing is, one thing I'm not worried about is whether I'll like the food or not because everything I bought today I'm excited to eat and am looking forward to eliminating, hopefully, most crap and chemicals from my diet. I know going vegan mainly means cutting out aniumal products, but I'm also aiming to eat unprocessed foods with as few chemicals as I can. I once saw a meme that said:

Too many people are counting calories and not enough are counting chemicals.
I think this is true and in my journey to bettering my own nutritional intake via experimentation I hope to learn more about what is in my food, chemicals and all. In addition to hopefully making others more aware of what is in our food, and how our nutrients affect our bodyt functioning.

On the 6th January (when I'm home) I will take my stats of my body composition and BMI in order to seehow and if it naturally changes over time or not. I am not aiming to lose weight, however, this is more about how I am feeling within myself but it will be interesting to see if I gain or lose fat % whilst eating more natural foods.

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